Credit card debt is among the most stressful parts of adult life to deal with. While the best solution for debt riddance is to not get into extensive debt in the first place, sometimes emergencies happen and it is unavoidable. Here are a few … [Read more...] about 13 Ways To Negotiate Your Credit Card Debts
7 Ways To Combat Homebuyer’s Remorse
It happens to all of us. We do our research, select a product, and eventually make a purchase, completely convinced it’s the right thing to do. But, as soon as the money has changed hands, the seeds of doubt appear. Did I really need … [Read more...] about 7 Ways To Combat Homebuyer’s Remorse
5 Strategies to Make College Fit in Your Budget
The new school year is approaching quickly, which can be scary in and of itself. It is especially scary when you begin considering all of the things you are going to have to purchase. Luckily, there are ways that students and their families … [Read more...] about 5 Strategies to Make College Fit in Your Budget
How To Negotiate With A Creditor
Debt can be overwhelming, but it does not have to be. The thought of negotiating with your creditors may feel scary but by doing so, you can help yourself and your finances tremendously. Household debt is on the rise A recent report found … [Read more...] about How To Negotiate With A Creditor
6 Things To Cross Off Your Financial To Do List By 50
As people approach their 50th birthday, it is natural for them to wonder where in the world the time has gone. They begin to reflect on the milestones that have passed throughout their lifetime and wonder of the few milestones left. Fifty is … [Read more...] about 6 Things To Cross Off Your Financial To Do List By 50
How Student Loans Affect Your Credit
Whether we like it or not, credit reports and credit scores are crucial indicators for financial institutions. When we apply for a mortgage, credit card, student loan, etc. our credit score will dictate our eligibility to most financial … [Read more...] about How Student Loans Affect Your Credit
7 Ways To Teach Kids Budgeting Basics
Whether you have young children, older children, or are planning on having children soon, teaching them about money is something that all parents should do. Ideas on how to manage money can be imparted to children at all ages. Through all of … [Read more...] about 7 Ways To Teach Kids Budgeting Basics
How To Pick The Best IRA
There are a wide variety of IRAs available, here’s how to pick the one that’s most suited to you. What’s an IRA? If your employer doesn’t offer a tax-efficient 401 (k) savings plan, or even if they do and you wish to save more for your … [Read more...] about How To Pick The Best IRA